Saturday, January 10, 2009

Just be

The weather outside is truly frightening. Last night’s Ball Drop in Times Square was more akin to mercury falling! This is not a day when any of us need to be outside. Still my partner and I found time to do diner and a movie, while sneaking into another movie. Doubt and Slum-dog Millionaire, critically acclaimed to be the best movies of the year, were very good and entertaining. Doubt is fraught with excellent acting. The story was not so compelling though it offered interesting twists and character references. Meryl Streep and Philip Seymore Hoffman are the embodiment of real acting and know how to paint a character onto the silver screen. The young boys mother (i’m sorry but i do not know her name) had her five minutes to shine as well.

Slumdog millionaire was somewhat reminiscent of city of god and in many ways the end result was somewhat predictable, though its unfolding was enough to keep the story interesting. It showcast the inner bowels of india and is an ambassador for that country and for Bollywood ( The movie ended in true bollywood fashion with an outburst of dance through the credits. ) I think i’m spoilt and seeing a foreign film is not a novelty for me. For most, the experience is new and different but unfortunately, there are so many films off the beaten path that are just as good, if not better. This one just happened to make it to the mainstream. Its still a good movie and i highly recommend it

So there we have it..the first day of the year. Though not much has changed in the world, it is a new year and we can all, as Ghandi said, be the change that we want to see in this world (or something like that). There are still senseless wars going on and still an economic crisis. The wheels of our own personal crises still turn. At least an this January first we can all move towards some sort of resolve to have a better year. I have already begun my new years evolution that I spoke of 2 or 3 posts ago.

My co-worker and fellow blogger Arkiem declared today that he thinks he has ADHD. Then Catherine, another co-worker declared that she had ADD.

Are we a nation of hypochondriacs?

Before we knew of these illnesses werent we just HYPER? Just because I can’t sleep some night doesn’t make me an amnesiac. In fact, on other nights I could swear I was narcoleptic. This got me thinking or at least wondering why everything must have some sort of highfalutin LABEL. Aren’t label’s for clothes? Bottles? Why are we so quick to label everything.

Why can’t some things just BE?


Amid fickle emotions

I move through the autumn of my life

stop, reflect, carry on.

Echoes of a scorching summer,

Sparkle, then fade to sinister shades of grey

I hang by the thread of serenity

Felt only at springtime

I wrap myself around October breezes

Wear the hours like weathered coats.

The wind kisses my face,

I gather mementos of disappearing colours

With a revelation, pregnant with purpose

I dive upwards and outwards

Black roses scurry through my veins

I prepare for the winter of my life

Beyond scarlet boundaries

I paint myself a pastel world

Loose hues that selfishly intertwine,

Bleeding into angelic whites

Where a newer spring awaits

Edit this entry.

Why wait to exhale?

Posted by: kevincrobinson on: December 28, 2008

Its Sunday the official beginning of the week. I’m having lunch at the Chinese restaurant and reflecting on my day so far. I got up, grabbed some hot chocolate on my way to the train, read a few pages of the Pulitzer prize winning and all so engrossing “the brief wondrous life of Oscar Wao” on the train while listening to coldplay. In 15 minutes I was at work. My train ride is much too short and I can read all of 10 pages before it’s over ( its no wonder i can never finish these books on time)

Another typical Sunday of tedious operational procedures and watching the clock.

So it’s 5 and alas I’m at the bar at the intercontinental an 49th having a cosmo while I wait for my friend to get off work. We will probably head to another bar and have another drink. (it’s wonderful to be able to drink again) then maybe catch a bite to eat, a movie ( by then it will be too late for a Broadway show)

A typical Sunday catching up with an old friend and doing nothing of any great importance. In a city like New York we all need days like this. Tomorrow will be different but tonight All Is Well With The World. Why wait to exhale?

Night swallows cruel light
I move more comfortably
Beside the moon
above 49th street

I swing into existence
Bound only by the hours
celebrating the space I am in

Dark shadows conceal
What eyes cannot hide

Memories elevate me
Force remembrance
yesterday’s different space
Framed by today’s time

I am present
all is well in the world

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